Career Consultants help clients with career decision-making and development, job hunting, and returning to work after a period. A career professional will work with you to develop a strategy to support you to move forward with confidence. Career professionals are skilled in counselling and coaching to help you make sense of your current situation, and consider how you might best use your strengths, interests and priorities to inform a course of action that is right for you. Career professionals have a sound knowledge of the labour market, requirements for effective job application and strategies to find and retain meaningful work.
Benefits of Career Coaching include:
Learning critical skills required in today's work environment
Build confidence and define your value
Build a powerful resume
Make informed decisions about the evolution of your career
Set goals and build a roadmap to achieve your goals
Build Connections
Launch a career in a new field
Prepare for interviews offers further information about changing or developing a career with the help of a career consultant.
Contact the local providers below who can assist you with the next step:
Crossroads - Joan McBeath - 021 322 732 –
Taupo Employment Services - 07 377 2009 –
Both provide recruitment assistance to Employers and Job Seekers