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Live, Work and Train in the Taupo District 

Welcome to Amplify - Workforce Support Network


We are the connector, sharer of information and introduce people to

Employment, Careers and Training opportunities within the Taupo District

Upcoming Events 

Turangi Job Fair -2023
Turangi Job Fair -2023
07 Sept 2023, 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Looking for work in the Turangi and Taupo district? Save the date to find out more about the opportunities available for you in the Tūrangi and wider area.

At this special event, where you will get access to over 100+ jobs to apply for on the day across seven different industries. Join us for a free sausage sizzle, and learn more about the opportunities for training and work available for everyone in the Tūrangi area. 

For more information please contact: Tanya Stielbauer, Workforce Support Lead via Email or Phone 022 128 2021

2022 Job Fair Partners 

The Turangi Job Fair held on the 27th of October 22 would like to thanks these business and organisation's who showcased what they had on offer and career paths available - Click on logo to view the company website 

Employees and Job Seekers

Are you seeking a new job or entering the workforce for the first time?

Do you want to study, learn new skills?

We are here to give you information and help connect you with training opportunities, businesses seeking workers and support you in getting work place ready with guidance, resources and training to kick off your new job and career in the Taupo District.   There has never been a better time to upskill, change jobs or start a new career.

Get yourself job ready with support and resources from

Connect with local Training and Qualification Organisations 

​Training and upskilling is a vital part of preparing for the future and enabling you to get sustainable employment.  We are committed to helping you identify your training options and find clear pathways.

Click on the logo’s below and get information about training opportunities from tertiary study to supported employment and driver's license training.

Also visit the careers.govt website for more information on training and career advice

Connect with our Workforce Support Lead 

Tanya has an over all knowledge and strong connections with Employment, Careers and Training opportunities within the Taupo District.

Please feel free to reach out via Email or Phone

Employers are you needing help with your workforce?

We are here to help connect you with the recourses you require to grow your business and staffing capabilities. 

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