Employer Support in the Taupo District
Welcome to Amplify - Workforce Support Network
We act as a connector and sharer of information for the Taupo District.
What we do to support the growth of the Taupo District Workforce
Industry and Employers voice is central to the workforce - we focus on
Future skills
Workforce needs
Local solutions
We work in collaboration with the following stakeholders to help build strong connections and opportunities for the future
Job seekers
Training providers
Tertiary education providers such as Toi Ohomai
Current Focus
Driver Licenses and Work Mobility
We are also exploring the barriers around work mobility and licenses and through our recent workshops with the RSLG (Regional Skills Leadership Group) this has come up as one of the biggest challenges and barriers for people getting to work. Amplify will be doing on-going work to address these barriers with other stakeholders.
Amplify is your voice
Regional Skills Leadership Groups
The Regional Skills Leadership Groups identify and support better ways of meeting future skills and workforce needs in our regions and cities. They are part of a joined-up approach to labour market planning which will see our workforce, education and immigration systems working together to better meet the differing skills needs across the country.
Workforce development Councils (WDC)
WDC will give industry a greater voice in the vocational education system to ensure their future workforce needs are met. There are six development councils. Each WDC will work with industry and employers to understand the skills that are needed. This information will be passed to education and training providers, who will be expected to create learning programmes that will give people relevant skills to address future workforce needs.
Meet our Business Advisors
Amplify provides support to businesses and industry in the Taupō District. Every business is different - so we offer a toolkit of different programmes, services, training and support to suit. We help all levels of business, from startups and small firms right through to major companies. Our work includes providing services and programmes that are integral to establishing or growing any business enterprise. We have dedicated business advisors for Taupō, Turangi, and Mangakino ready to meet one-on-one with businesses to discuss what their needs are and how we can best provide support. Our many different programmes and services allow us to cover the needs a business could have, and if we can’t help, we will connect you to others that can.
Mike Bowie
Turangi Development Lead
Contact Mike
Helpful Resources
Needing some advice on employee management - Here are some useful websites and blogs