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Mike Bowie

Tūrangi Development Lead

Mike is the Tūrangi Development Lead for Amplify.


Barb & I have been coming to the Tūrangi Region for over 40 years. It was our place to relax and recharge for the stresses of big city life. 6 years ago we moved here permanently - our place in the world. We love the Tūrangi region, the caring inclusive community, the stunning beauty of southern Taupō Moana, the rivers that feed the lake, the dual heritage site that is the Tongariro National Park.

I believe Tūrangi is an untapped gem, with so much potential. Everyone I speak with in Tūrangi is positive about the future of their region. If we can harness this positive energy so everyone is moving together in the same direction, we can maximise this potential. I would very much like to be part of this movement.

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