Capability Vouchers 50/50 Funding
We have Partnered with to offer NZTE Training capability vouchers. The Capability Voucher Funding helps business owners to access business training and coaching services, by providing them with up to a 50% subsidy towards the registered service cost.
The funding is one of the services available through the Regional Business Partner (RBP) Network who employ Growth Advisors to support business owners looking to grow and innovate.
To access this co-funding you must first meet with one of our RBP Growth Advisors to discuss your business.
The Growth Advisor will seek to understand opportunities for growth and help identify any barriers to this.
The Growth Advisor will then work with you to put together an action plan. Where there is a management capability need identified that could be addressed by undertaking training, the Growth Advisor may issue a Capability Voucher to the business.
Vouchers may only be used with services registered in the Marketplace. Vouchers can only be used in the following subject areas:
Business Planning
Business Systems
Business Sustainability
Capital Raising, Export
Finance, Governance
Lean Manufacturing/ Business Operations
Managing Resources
The value of vouchers issued will vary (usually $1500) and they can be used to cover up to 50% of the training service cost (capped at $5000).
Any business can meet with a Growth Adviser. However to access co-funding for registered training enterprises must also meet the following criteria:
Have undergone an assessment with a Regional Partner (ie: Growth Advisor);
Have fewer than 50 full time equivalent employees;
Are registered for GST in New Zealand;
Are operating in a commercial environment; and
Are a privately owned businesses, or are a Maori Trust or incorporation under the Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Maori assets under multiple ownership.