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Business Mentors

Business Mentors New Zealand is an independent not-for-profit organisation founded in 1991 by business people, for business people. Our organisation and its heavily subsidised service is made possible by support from New Zealand Business and Government Agencies. Our national network of agencies is closely aligned with the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Regional Business Partnership Programme.

Business Mentors New Zealand is committed to helping small business owners, startup entrepreneurs and social enterprise decision-makers succeed. Our mentoring service introduces small business owners and social enterprise executive officers to skilled Business Mentors who will assist them to advance their business capability, capacity and sustainability by sharing their knowledge and experience.

A small one-off registration fee of $295 + GST provides up to 12-months access to a Business

Mentor. For more information or to register for a mentor visit


Our Business Mentoring Programme provides 12 months of confidential one-on-one advice for owners of small and medium-sized businesses that are currently trading and who want to grow or need help to solve specific business challenges. Volunteer business mentors with experience and empathy for small business offer guidance, act as a sounding board, challenge your thinking and provide you with an independent and fresh perspective.

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Who is the Business Mentoring Programme for?

The programme is designed for business people who:

  • Want a fresh perspective, guidance or inspiration

  • Want help to market or grow their business

  • Want help to implement a change to their business

  • Want support or advice to deal with a particular business challenge

  • Want a sounding board to help challenge their thinking, set new goals and achieve success

Read about others who have enjoyed the benefits of Business Mentoring.

Who are the Mentors and what role do they perform?

Our Business Mentors are experienced, successful New Zealand based business people who know what it feels like to be in business.

Our volunteer mentors come from a wide range of industry backgrounds and understand New Zealand business.  All our mentors are passionate, committed individuals who want to see their communities prosper and grow.

Business Mentors volunteer their time to work alongside a client and participate in a mentoring relationship by:

  • Sharing their knowledge and expertise

  • Acting as a sounding board

  • Working with you to grow your business

  • Seeing ‘the bigger picture’

  • Assisting you to identify strengths and weaknesses

  • Supporting you in your decision making

All our mentors are vetted and reference checked before being accepted into the mentoring programme.  Our mentors are required to meet the standards of our Mentor Accreditation Programme

What’s the cost?

Clients of the Business Mentoring Programme pay a registration fee of $295 plus GST. After registration the mentoring is free for up to 12 months, volunteered by your experienced Business Mentor.

The registration fee* helps to cover the administration costs of the programme.

After registration you’ll also be able to get:

Register now or take a look at our mentoring frequently asked questions

Download our Business Mentoring brochure


*BMNZ is a not for profit organisation that relies on volunteer mentors to provide support and guidance to business owners. A registration fee is payable but should not be considered a fee for service.

To find out about becoming a Business Mentor check out this information on the Business Mentors Website.

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