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Keeping Taupo families safe online

The internet has come a long way since the first message was sent 50 years ago from a grey

box the size of a fridge by a professor at the University of California. These days the internet

has a constantly growing range of applications including navigation, music, videos, home

shopping, international communication, and banking.

However for all its advantages, the internet does have a downside. Cyberbullying, illegal

content, computer viruses and identity theft are just some of the dangers that web

browsers face. Many large corporates invest in filtering and virus protection systems to

safeguard their employees from these risks. These systems are often expensive, making

them out of reach for the average family or small business owner.

Over the last year Taupō-based IT expert Ashley Cho has been working on a product to help

solve this problem. “Many of my customers would love to have a filter on their internet

service” says Ashely. “They want to protect their children and staff from inappropriate

content, and keep themselves safe from scammers. But the current options are far too

costly for families and small business owners” he says.

Ashley has created “Ashley Cho Protect”, a cloud-based internet service that filters out

malicious and dangerous content. Customers purchase a modem that connects directly to

the service, and filters are updated in real time. The other benefit is that the modem

settings can be used to switch off the internet to specific devices. “I have three teenage

children, so I know how tricky it can be to manage screen-time at home. Sometimes it’s just

easier to turn the internet off! This feature means my wife and I can watch Netflix, but my

teenager can’t access the internet from his room” says Ashley.

Ashley has been working with computers since the age of 20. He set up his IT company in

Taupō after moving down from Auckland ten years ago. “As a family we love to ski, so we

moved to Taupō to be closer to the mountain. I’ve always been interested in computers, so I

decided to set my business up here. I started with one employee and we’ve now grown to

five staff members” he says.

Ashley’s business focus is on having an approachable team. “I made a conscious decision not

to have a reception area. That means clients can talk directly to the team member who is

working on their job. They can ask questions, and sometimes even learn how to solve the

issue themselves. It’s a great way to build long term relationships with customers” he says.

For more information on Ashley Cho protect, visit

Photo caption: Ashley Cho and team members Cameron Felton, Stewart Gillespie, Liam




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