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Amplify Board Appointments 2024

Amplify is the Economic Development Agency for the Taupo district, and is charged with growing the local economy.

Amplify is an independent charitable trust and is governed by a Board of seven trustees. There

are currently up to two vacancies and an Appointment Panel has been formed to undertake the recruitment process.

Amplify invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals. Using a skills and competencies matrix, Amplify has identified the ideal mix of strengths, experience and attributes we are seeking in the appointment round, namely:

● Strong commercial and financial experience with relevant business experience as an owner or Senior Leader

● The Board has a commitment to be representative of the Taupo community, and therefore

we aspire to have representation from both genders from different age brackets and include

a mix of ethnic groups, including Maori.

● Governance experience, including strong analytical, critical reasoning and problem-solving

skills, strong communication and stakeholder engagement skills and experience in the

local government and / or not for profit sector

● At this time we are looking for people who have a mix of an understanding of the critical

elements of Regional Economic Development and a willingness to research economic

development best practice internationally, a strategic thinking background and a strong

understanding of the primary sector.

● As per the Trustee Recruitment Policy, it is intended to recruit one Trustee who is based

in the Southern Lakes region at this time.

Trustees share responsibility with the Chair and other Trustees for the governance of the

organisation and the conduct of Board affairs in accordance with the Trust Deed and Code of


The capacity to commit a reasonable amount of time and energy is assumed to be a given for people looking to secure a place on the Amplify Board, with Trustees receiving a modest stipend per month.

An full information pack is available by emailing

Applications close on 14 October at 5pm. To apply in strict confidence email your cover letter and CV to



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